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T-151D Raps and Sequences Digital CD (Single User Licence)
The THRASS RAPS & SEQUENCE CD is designed to be used in conjunction with the various THRASSCHARTS. It contains the THRASS Sequences, the THRASS Phoneme-Grapheme Sequences, the THRASS Raps and THRASS Sound Effects. The CD features dual speed voice-overs for all of the THRASS Sequences - that is, there is both a slow and fast version of each track to assist with differentiation. Additional product notes here
Important- Please refer to the transferring and syncing instructions below before downloading.
- Those ordering by purchase order will not receive the file until order has been internally processed.
- For immediate download please purchase using credit card.
- This is not a reproducible/photocopiable resource. Except as permitted under the Act (for example for the services of the Crown or in reliance on one of the fair dealing exceptions i.e. a fair dealing for the purposes of research or study) no part of this audio CD may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. For more information see Important Copyright Information.
Multi-User Licence available here
See Additional Information below for How to Use
ISBN: 9781876424510